Red Boots Design Hoodie
Another great thing I picked up at Renegade in S.F. was this awesome purple zippered hoodie from Red Boots Design! I knew I needed a new sweatshirt, but I still had a really tough time choosing between all their great colors and designs.
I finally settled on this great Koi fish design, since I loved these pretty fish printed on the front and back. Plus, I've never owned an outerwear garment in such a perfectly bold color. (Do I sound like a crazy elderly person for saying "outerwear garment"?)Not only do Red Boots make great clothes with a heavy focus on bike themes and mechanical diagrams, but they also make beautiful wall-mountable bottle openers. I've already picked out the perfect one for my future house in turquoise and bright red. These folks have totally got my number in the color department. Plus, this dude has the best curly handlebar mustache, AND they let us borrow their dolly to load our stuff into Renegade the first day. Love love love them!!
P.S. The button that I put on the pocket says "get excited and make things" (patterned after those "stay calm and carry on" posters). Someone awesome gave it to me at Maker Faire.
P.P.S. Think it rains all the time in Portland? Check out the crispy grass in our front yard. It's sort of like the desert here in the summer, FYI.
great color on that hoodie :)
Cute hoodie, I love the color!
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