July 23, 2009

Back Home Again

We had a fabulous time at Renegade, but we're still recovering from all the driving, the short snatches of sleep we got on our friends' futon, and all the Cheetos we ate in the car. I got a bunch of awesome handmade stuff that I'm dying to show off to you guys, but it's going to have to wait a few days for me to get my head on straight again...

Sean and I had planned on taking this week to do inventory, and catch up on orders from the past weekend. Instead, Etsy was gracious enough to feature us in their Etsy Finds, and we were bombarded by new orders. We swept past our 1,000th Etsy sale today, and we barely had time to congratulate ourselves.

I'd like to take a moment right now to thank all our amazing customers for supporting us over the past few years. Everything we do, we do for you. Truly.

Even when I'm tired and cranky, I still remember that each order is like a little piece of myself that I'm sharing with the world, and I appreciate each and every person that tells me they like my work, and believe in what I'm doing. It's been a hard road, and it will continue to be a struggle, but every day it gets easier. And I have YOU to thank.

Thank you. <3


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