August 11, 2008

My Velvet Elvis Milkshake

Question: What's better than a chocolate milkshake full of vitamins and minerals?
Answer: A peanut butter and banana chocolate milkshake full of vitamins and minerals!

Amanda's Velvet Elvis Milkshake

1 cup rice milk (or soy or regular milk)
1 big plop of chunky peanut butter (probably about 2-3 Tablespoons)
1 scoop of chocolate Slim-Fast powder
1/2 tsp. cocoa powder
1/2 of a frozen banana, pre-cut into small rounds

Blend thoroughly on a low blender setting. Enjoy the frostiness!

I drink these milkshakes all the time for breakfast, as an afternoon snack, or after a work-out. I keep a container of cut up bananas in my freezer all the time for this shake, and those big canisters of chocolate Slim-Fast powder are totally worth it. I'm sure you could substitute your own favorite health-food powder, and you could leave out the peanut butter if you really want it to be low-cal, but who really wants that? It's also good with fresh strawberries of maraschino cherries.

[Frosty Chocolate Milkshake Pin, $6 by CreamyPear who also makes other yummy-looking dessert jewelry!]


Unknown August 11, 2008 at 10:42 PM  

That sounds awesome! I was just coming to your site to let you know how much I love my rocket ship dish soap dispenser that I got at Crafty Wonderland. I got hot pink soap to go in it and it looks awesome in our kitchen. Thanks!

LeaKarts August 12, 2008 at 8:19 PM  

I am totally drooling. I remember you telling me about these things when we shared a booth at the beginning of the summer, but really, I had no idea....mmmmmmmmm.....

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