July 14, 2008

The Capricorns

Rock the Casio keyboards! I first heard their Nintendo-esque songs on my favorite college radio program (Late Risers' Club on WMBR in Cambridge, MA--in case you were interested) about 6 years ago. I called the station a few weeks later to request The New Sound, and the DJ said he'd never heard of them. Huh. That was that.

I couldn't find the Capricorns at any record store, and they seemed to be non-existent on the internet. Just recently, I had the presence of mind to look them up again, and discovered a sadly out-of-date Myspace page, with a broken website link. Luckily, the Myspace page has a bunch of great songs to listen to, even if you can't download them.

listen here:

buy stuff here:
and here: (a Kill Rock Stars comp, which looks extremely promising--I have Fields and Streams and really like it)


michael July 14, 2008 at 10:06 AM  

i can vouch for that KRS compilation. as a matter of fact, you can't go wrong with ANY KRS compilation. the first few samplers from the early 90s ("Killrockstars", "Rockstarskill" and "Starskillrock") are essential indie listening.

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